Meeting Programme
Wednesday, April 3rd
10:30h Depart from Atocha
13:30-14:00h Arrival and check in
14:30-15:30h Lunch
15:30-16:30h Keynote Lecture
Dra. Muriel Mari (Aarhus University, DK)
16:30-17:30h Opening Ceremony
17:30-18:30h Session I: Mechanisms of Autophagy
Chairs: Caroline Mauvezin and Felipe Pimentel
17:30h-17:50h An STK4-LC3B-FYCO1 axis regulates the directional transport of autophagosomes (Id21)
José Luis Nieto Torres
17:50h-18:10h One autophagy list to bind them all (Id29)
Álvaro Fernández Fernández
18:10h-18:30h Natural bioactive compounds activating autophagy: allies against glycation-derived damage (Id6)
Eloy Bejarano Fernández
18:30-19:00h Coffee Break
19:00-20:00h Session II: Mechanisms of Autophagy
Chairs: Caroline Mauvezin and Felipe Pimentel
19:00h-19:20h Redox-mediated activation of ATG3 promotes ATG8 lipidation and autophagy progression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Id28)
Manuel Jesús Mallén Ponce
19:20h-19:40h Dissecting the central role of autophagy in metabolic reprograming for stress adaptation in the model microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Id20)
Samuel Gámez Arcas
19:40h-20:00h FaTGA9 transcription factor induces expression of ATG8 and affects fruit ripening in Fragaria x ananassa (strawberry) (Id34)
Victoria Sánchez Vera
20:00h-20:20h Lipophagy as a stress adaptation mechanism in the new extremophilic green microalga Chlamydomonas urium (Id18)
Yosu Odriozola Gil
20:30-21:30h Dinner
21:45h Posters
8:00h Breakfast
9:00-10:00h Keynote Lecture
Dr. Jörn Dengjel (University of Fribourg, CH)
10:00-11:20h Session III: Physiological Roles of Autophagy
Chairs Esther Pérez Pérez and Raúl Durán
10:00h-10:20h Activation of muscle autophagy promotes muscle fitness and metabolic health during aging (Id3)
David Sebastian Muñoz
10:20h-10:40h Mitophagy curtails cytosolic mtDNA-dependent activation of cGAS/STING inflammation during aging (Id5)
Juan Ignacio Jiménez Loygorri
10:40h-11:00h An unconventional autophagic pathway that inhibits ATP secretion during apoptotic cell death (Id46)
Felipe Pimentel-Muiños
11:00h-11:20h Altered EGFR Trafficking and Autophagic Response in Myotonic Dystrophy Type (Id31)
Eva Alegre Cortés
11:20-12:45h Coffee Break and Posters
13h Depart to “Monasterio de Yuste”
13:20-13:30h Group photo
13:30-14:15h Guided Tour “Monasterio de Yuste”
15:00-16:00h Lunch
16:00-17:20h Session IV: Autophagy and Disease_Metabolism
Chairs: Esther Pérez Pérez and Raúl Durán
16:00h-16:20h Boosting lipophagy to improve the immune response in alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH) (Id1)
Marina García Macia
16:20h-16:40h Genetic inhibition of Tribbles pseudokinase 3 enhances steatohepatitis and its progression to hepatocellular carcinoma via lipophagy inhibition and increased inflammation (Id42)
Gutiérrez-Jiménez, Óscar
16:40h- 17:00h AGILENT
Seahorse XF and other technologies to study Autophagy and Mitochondrial quality - Exploring Agilent Cell Analysis Technologies in Autophagy
Miriam Contreras Mostazo
17:00h-17:20h Resveratrol protects from insulin resistance-associated obesity through mTORC1 downregulation in iLIRKO mice (Id11)
Carlos Guillén Viejo
17:20-18:00h Coffee Break
18:00-19:40h Session V: Autophagy and disease_Neuro
Chairs: Ricardo Escalante and Patricia Gómez-Asuaga
18:00h-18:20h Regulation of neuronal autophagy by CPT1C-SAC1 complex through nutrient sensing (Id8)
Rut Fadó
18:20h-18:40h A new perspective in using iron chelators in Retinitis Pigmentosa models: DFP rescues from MNU treatment inhibiting parthanatos-mediated cell death (Id10)
Juan Zapata Muñoz
18:40h-19:00h Autophagy Activation in Oligodendrocytes Is Important to Maintain Homeostasis in Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration (Id12)
Cristina Pérez Montes
19:00h-19:20h Neuroprotection and longevity: Optimizing mitochondrial quality through acorn cupule extract in neurodegenerative processes (Id38)
Mercedes Blanco Benítez
19:20h-19:40h Autophagy-phagocytosis crosstalk in microglia in physiology and ischemic stroke pathology (Id19)
Ainhoa Plaza
19:40-20:40h SEFAGIA General Assembly
21.00h Dinner. Parador.
8:00 Breakfast
9:00-10:00h Keynote Lecture
Dr. Kevin Ryan (Beatson Cancer Research Institute, UK)
10:00-11:00h Session VI: Autophagy and disease _Cancer
Chairs: Silvia Vega-Rubin-de-Celis and Mar Lorente
10:00h-10:20h PRKAR1A facilitates cancer cell motility via FAM134B and ER-phagy (Id2)
Natalia Jiménez Moreno
10:20h-10:40h Identification of a novel mechanism involved in the increased levels of IL-1β in response to Rac1 inhibition (Id47)
Angélica Martínez López
10:40h-11:00h TECPR1: a tethering factor that enhances the progression of localized prostate cancer to metastasis (Id48)
Álvaro Gutiérrez Uzquiza
11:00-12:00h Coffee Break and Posters
12:00-13:00h Session VII: Autophagy and disease _Cancer
Chairs: Silvia Vega-Rubin-de-Celis and Mar Lorente
12:00h-12:20h Pharmacological blockade of the Midkine/ALK axis in combination with cannabinoids triggers autophagy-mediated Glioma initiating cells death and could be a therapeutic strategy to fight Glioblastoma (Id43)
Tovar Ambel E
12:20h-12:40h Effect of metabolic dysregulation on glioblastoma growth and autophagy resolution (Id14)
Ignacio González López Zepero
12:40h-13:00h Peptide-mediate inhibition of pericyte chaperone-mediated autophagy promotes glioblastoma cell elimination (Id13)
Rut Valdor Alonso
13:00-13:30h Concluding remarks
Award for the best oral communication and the best poster.
The "Caty Casas" Special Award
14:00-15:00h Lunch
15:15h Depart to Atocha